Oil prices increased in the final months of the previous year and after the drone’s attacked the Aramco refinery. However, after Aramco was able to reach its level of production and export capacity before the attack, relative stability returned to the oil market. Subsequently, there was no change in the oil market, given the surplus oil supply in the market ...

In 2003, the US and Iran managed to draw a red line in Iraq and the Middle East in order to avoid any clashing that could lead to war. The State Department urged US citizens Friday to leave Iraq immediately following an airstrike ordered by President Trump that killed Qasem Soleimani, a key Iranian military commander at Baghdad International Airport. ...

The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Quds force, Qassem Soleimani, was killed in a US airstrike in Baghdad. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Iran, Iraq and numerous other countries to honor the memory of the legendary general, one of Iran’s most important leaders after Hassan Rouhani and Ayatollah Khomenei. Brief Chronology  The ...

Iranian Authorities (of the Government, Judiciary branch and Parliament) knew well that their decision to triple the price of gasoline was going to lead to strong civil dissatisfaction, and that people would likely take to the streets to express their opposition to the measure. It is worth mentioning that the Iranian government’s decision only affected the type of gas which ...

An explosion ripped through the Sabiti, an oil tanker of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), at 05:20 on October 11 in the Red Sea, 60 nautical miles to the southwest of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, supposedly after a missile strike, Iranian media reports said minutes after the incident. Two of the tanker’s reservoirs sustained serious damage and some amounts of ...

Most analysts agree that Donald Trump’s main motivation for dismissing his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, was that Bolton had been giving off the impression that he was the real decision-maker in the White House, while the president was merely a talking puppet. Looking at Trump’s career, even before coming into office, it is clear that he is a man ...

The U.S. and Iran are locked in a tough confrontation for forty years. They do not have direct diplomatic relations and are engaged in a major ideological war, playing an important role on the geopolitical map of the world at the same time. Nonetheless, although Tehran and Washington have turned into two hostile camps over years of the stand-off, they ...

Following the outbreak of a tanker crisis between the UK and Iran, the U.S. has decided to take on the role of the main mediator in the conflict and has made an attempt to knock together an international coalition for guarding the Hormuz Strait. CONTEXT  Tensions in the Hormuz Strait are running practically unabated already for two months. The tense ...

President Donald Trump’s Administration is getting ready to deploy hundreds of servicemen to Saudi Arabia as tensions with Iran are mounting, CNN said in a report quoting a well-informed official at the Pentagon. He revealed that some 500 soldiers would be sent to Prince Sultan airbase to the south of Riyadh. Sources told CNN a small number of U.S. military ...

On May 8, 2018, U.S. President Donald J. Trump announced his decision to end the US’ participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and begin reinstating nuclear-related sanctions against Iran. These extreme measures including the so-called “maximum pressure” policy and attempting to bring Iranian oil exports to “zero” have inflicted excruciating pain on the Islamic Republic. Tehran faces ...