By Roya Fereyduni Mehdi Azizi, Iranian Mehr’s foreign news agency director claimed, “By attacking Syria, the Zionist regime is trying to recompense and regain it’s now lost self confidence against their defeats from the Hezbollah and resistance groups”. Mehdi Azizi evaluated the developments in the region in an interview he gave to United World International. It is said that interactions ...

A new round of Vienna talks to lift sanctions on Iran began after a five-month hiatus on Monday (November 29). The participants in the talks between Iran and the P4 + 1 group (France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany) discussed the texts in meetings at various levels in the two areas of lifting sanctions and nuclear issues. Following these meetings, ...

The Middle East is undergoing a new experience of regional diplomatic dynamism. Various meetings have taken place between the Arabic countries with Iran and Turkey. There have been significant negotiations between Iraqi and Syrian officials and other countries. All these regional movements seem to promise the beginning of a new chapter in Middle East regional relations which can lead to ...

After six rounds of unsuccessful negotiations in Vienna, the new round of nuclear talks has been planned for November 29. The sides are trying to cope with the “Trump curse” that has been imposed on the negotiation process.  After Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement known as the JCPOA, the US unilaterally imposed new sanctions against Iran. Iran considered the ...

United World Internation expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan searched the answer of the question above in an article he has written for the Iranian Council for Defending the Truth. Below we document Güzaltan’s article as published. As new alliances are being born all over the world as a result of the already-existing decline of the United States, the centuries-old disputes between ...

The Raisi government will start work this week facing an enormous wave of problems. He is arriving to the presidency as the fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has spread over the country and made the situation the worst since two years, and at the same time, the social-economic situation of the country cannot tolerate serious restrictive policies. Furthermore, the ...

Ebrahim Raisi, who won the 13th Presidential Elections in Iran, gave important messages about the country’s foreign policy. Raisi indicated that Iran’s foreign policy will not be limited to the Nuclear Agreement emphasizing that his country wants to establish good relations with the neighboring countries. Raisi is also on the US’ sanction list. His messages include important key points on ...

As was expected during the last days of Iran’s presidential campaign, Seyed Ebrahim Raisi was elected as the eighth president of Islamic Republic of Iran. With more than half of the votes in the 13th presidential election of Iran, he achieved the presidency already in the first round. However, now the question arises: How will Raisi attract the public opinion ...

After eight years in power, Hassan Rouhani is about to hand over the government to the winner of the 13th presidential election on June 18, having not accomplished almost any of the key objectives he declared in 2013 after eight years. Not only did he fail to solve nuclear problems, he has also been unable to lift the oppressive sanctions ...

The Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s conversation with a journalist was recorded and leaked in the last week. In the conversation, Zarif claims that his Foreign Ministry has no control over Iran’s foreign policy, being dominated by forces like Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Quds Force. He criticizes especially the legendary Iranian Commander Qasem Soleimani, murdered by a ...