Türkiye banned some exports to Israel. The ban includes 54 products including cement, steel, aluminum and iron construction materials. The decision came just after Israel “blocked our attempt to airlift aid to starving Gazans”, as stated the Turkish foreign minister Hakan Fidan. The Turkish Minister of Trade, Ömer Bolat stated that Israel is preventing access to “the most basic food, ...

“Independence referendum” in north of Iraq, the US and Israel-backed corridor, US organizing the PKK/PYD, US build-up in the Eastern Mediterranean, two possible ways to stop the massacres in Gaza, the resistance of the Palestinians… Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı spoke at the workshop titled “Will a Great War Break Out?” organized by the Turkish monthly magazine “Teori”. In his ...

The overlapping visits of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to Türkiye and the planned visit of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu raised a question: “Is Türkiye taking on a mediation role?” Is there such a plan or intention? If so, what does it mean for Türkiye and the world? We asked these questions to United World International author Mehmet Perinçek. We also ...

“Relations with Israel should never exceed the official level and every move made by Israel should be reciprocated. Türkiye should leave the balance policy because this policy brings us to a deadlock. (…) Türkiye must immediately withdraw from NATO’s military wing, if not its political one.” Israel and Russia are at odds over missile strikes in the Syrian theater. Russia, ...