UWI author and political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan was a guest on Turkish On4 TV’s broadcast. Güzaltan shared his assessments on regional and global confrontation and potential political developments in light of Israel’s recent attack on Rafah. “Israel lost credibility and legitimacy” How do you evaluate Israel’s latest attack on Rafah? Firstly, the entire world agrees that Israel is committing ...

It has become clear that the successive developments in the Middle East region imposed “urgent needs” on the countries of the Middle East. These were translated into intense consultations between the major countries in the region on the Palestinian issue, and the Gaza war came to highlight a rare moment of harmony between these countries regarding the rejection of the ...

Israel and its aggressions against Palestine as well as its interventionism and cross border violence against the region keep on dominating the global headlines. The government of Netanyahu has not only kept on bombarding the Gaza Strip for 7 months, it is conducting also military attacks from Lebanon to Syria and Iran. Iran has responded to the recent bombing of ...

There is great interest in the day after the war in Gaza. As horrific as the Israeli genocide and the magnitude of the Palestinian sacrifices, the obvious question is the following: “What comes after this new Nakba?” Will Hamas end or will it remain? And which Hamas: the organization or the idea? Will its leaders be eliminated, while keeping the ...

Türkiye and Russia in addition to bilateral relations, are engaged in direct or indirect cooperation in various crisis points (Syria, the Caucasus, etc.) The perspectives of the two countries on the Palestine issue are also similar: End to Israeli occupation and the establishment of a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem within the 1967 borders. In response to ...

Already dealing with some problems in your neighborhood, a new neighbor moves in, and for 75 years, you find yourself having to endure the troubles caused by this neighbor. In such bad and problematic neighborly relations, you would normally submit a petition to the municipality or the police, and they would take care of it, most likely. But if this ...

Israel has assassinated yesterday in Beirut, Lebanon the deputy chairman of the political bureau of Hamas, Saleh al-Arouri. Samir Findi Abu Amer and Azzam Al-Aqraa Abu Ammar, leaders of Hamas’ armed wing – the Qassam Brigades – were also killed, Hamas said in a message on its Telegram channel. It named four other members of the group who were also ...

The Palestinian-Israeli war, which began with Hamas’ Al-Aqsa Storm operation on 7 October, continues. The main dynamics of the war have become relatively evident: What is Hamas’ resistance plan in Gaza and is it succeeding? What is the ultimate goal of Israel’s attacks on Gaza? Will Egypt be willing to accept Gazans into Sinai? What is happening in Al-Quds? What ...

There have been comments that there is a “crack” between the US and Israel regarding the ground operation organized by the Israeli army in Gaza. The US’s efforts to postpone the ground operation and its warnings about the intensity of the military operations and not to spread to other regions were put forward as facts supporting the “crack” thesis. US ...

The Palestine-Israel war took a brief pause for prisoner exchange, after its restart with a military operation by Palestinian forces in Israeli-controlled territory On 7 October. The two sides agreed to release a limited number of prisoners. However, it remains unclear how long the ceasefire will last and what awaits afterward. The Lebanese-Israeli border, which has been affected by the ...