By Hasan Ünal* * Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Maltepe University. This text was first published by Baku Dialogues in the edition Winter 2022. As of this writing, tensions between Russia and Ukraine appeared to continue unabated, despite the Putin‑Biden online meeting and the exchange of several messages between Washington and Moscow aimed at ...

By Ismail Hakki Pekin The European Union (EU), the United States, the NATO and the Chairperson-in office the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) held a quadripartite coordination meeting concerning the tensions along the Russian-Ukrainian border. The meeting was the first of its kind in history. NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg evaluated the meeting as a “Strong signal ...

By Massimiliano Ay General Secretary of the Communist Party (Switzerland) Lenin was not only the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, he was an innovator in his application of Marxism. He understood that Marx and Engels lived in a different era from his own, and that his country had entered a different historical phase: the era of imperialism. A whole series ...

Turkish-Russian relations have managed to survive a great deal of strain put on by the recent insurrection in Kazakhstan. The plan to put Ankara and Moscow at odds with one another over Central Asia has failed. Both Ankara and Moscow have close ties with Central Asia, especially Kazakhstan. While Turkey establishes these over cultural dynamics -common language and history -, ...

The US-supported insurgency in Kazakhstan and the tensions along the Ukrainian-Russian line were discussed in Turkey’s Ulusal Kanal TV channel’s program “News Center”. Retired Lieutenant-General İsmail Hakkı Pekin, Gaziantep University academic Dr. Ali Fuat Gökçe, Vatan Party’s Deputy Chairman Serdar Üsküplü, visiting Professor at the Moscow State University Dr. Mehmet Perinçek and the journalist Deniz Berktay made important statements on ...

By Fikret Akfırat The analysis of the events unfolding in Kazakhstan is important for understanding the near future of the world. The common view is that the US is the main actor behind these events, except for those whose mission is to follow Washington’s commands. Kazakhstan’s President Tokayev stated that they will present the evidence to the world proving that ...

Kazakhstan’s president Tokayev has announced that the normalization process has started, and the peacekeeping forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) have begun handing over protected facilities to law enforcement agencies. Kazakhstan was rocked by days of violent protests sparked by a fuel price hike. However, Kazakhstan is still being subjected to armed aggression by “well-coordinated terrorist groups trained ...

Washington’s Central Asia strategy received a serious blow with the Afghanistan defeat. The U.S. was not only forced to leave Afghanistan. Pakistan and the Central Asian countries rejected its demands for new military bases to relocate troops there. Thus, the U.S. found itself in a situation of leaving the region altogether. Still, control of Central Asian energy sources and transport ...

By Orçun Göktürk The protests, which began in Kazakhstan following the fuel price hike, have spread throughout the country. Despite the resignation of the government and the declaration of the State of Emergency, acts of violence continue. We interviewed on the protests and their international dimension Dr. Andrew Korybko, a Moskow-based American expert. Korybko said that ”the traditional US deep ...

In Afghanistan, we have seen unequivocal images: the chaotic withdrawal (more like an escape) of the United States and its Atlantic NATO allies after twenty years of the alleged war on terrorism, stamps a defeat of historic proportions on Washington. In all likelihood, in the future, August 2021 will be remembered as the date that marks the definitive decline of ...