By Tevfik Kadan Recently, the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations organized a hearing titled “US Policy on Turkey”. Issues such as the S-400 defense systems purchased by Turkey from Russia, the Turkish policy on Syria, Turkish actions in the Eastern Mediterranean, the reopening of the Cypriot town of Maras (Varosha) and the human rights report of Turkey were discussed ...

The US Think Tank, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) has published a report titled “From Trump to Biden: The way forward for U.S. National Security” in January 2021. The report presents policy proposals to the Biden Administration concerning a broad range of countries. In the Middle East, proposals concerning policy towards Turkey and Syria aim to progress the ...

Developments are taking place that strongly affect the balance of power and which are increasing tension in the Middle East, one after another. Following the news that the US had accumulated troops in the north of Syria, it was revealed that the US company “Delta Crescent Energy LLC” signed an oil agreement with the PKK’s extension YPG in Syria. Syria, ...

By Diyari Salih On January 5, 2020, the Iraqi parliament decided to remove all foreign troops from Iraq, including the American ones. Many Shia military groups threatened to use violence against those who opposed the plan. They also forced the new Iraqi prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadima, to commit to the decision. This will cast a shadow on the next phases ...

Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential elections has had dire implications for the American “Greater Middle East” project which has guided US foreign policy in the Middle East since it was first put forward in 2003. Trump’s reorientation toward internal US problems (migration, economy, protectionism), the emergence of new geopolitical rivals (China and Iran) and the turning point being ...