In previous articles we have said that imperial power is based on three pillars: its great military apparatus, its undoubted superiority in terms of control of the global cultural-media apparatus and the self-granted power of being the holder and sole issuer of the dollar – a currency that plays the role of the main exchange instrument for world trade. In ...

While the conflict in Ukraine continues, the world discusses more and more the transition to multipolarity. Latin America is a field of conflict as well on that transition, with the US opposing the economic and military presence of extra continental powers such as Russia and China. We spoke on the Latin American perspective on the Ukraine conflict with Rubén Zardoya, ...

By Rodolfo Pablo Treber * The collapse of Silvergate Capital (cryptocurrency bank) and Silicon Valley Bank, both North American banks, is just one more symptom of the loss of predominance of the United States Dollar in the global concert. It happens that the main reason for the bankruptcies was the volatility (price fluctuations), until now unusual, in the financial assets ...