Reporting from Recife, Pernambuco / Brazil Nilto Tatto, a member of the Workers’ Party (PT), is a Federal Deputy for the state of São Paulo, and current coordinador of the Commission for the Environment and Sustainable Development of the Chamber of Deputies of the Brazilian Congress. In this exclusive interview for United World International, he talks about the current situation ...

By Walter Sorrentino Vice-President of the Communist Party of Brazil (PcdoB) First of all, for Brazil the year 2023 continues to be the year of hope. Nevertheless, the recent clashes are very serious. The incidents in the capital have the character of an uprising, with a chain of command and a structure. These incidents expose Bolsonarism as agent of coupism ...

By Oscar Rotundo * Bolsonaro’s defeat caused various actions, many of them violent, which clearly showed that the fascist sectors were not going to allow governability. They advanced their claims of fraud and military intervention with blockades of roads and camps that, over the course of the days, multiplied in cities across the country. Since January 1, the day Lula ...

Elections are over, Lula has won and Brazil is in transition to his government, which will take office on January 1st. Lula is Honorary Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Brazil, the leading force in a broad coalition. How does the coalition interpret the election results? How will they establish governability, given the conservative majority in the parliament? What will ...