The meeting between Erdogan and Putin in Istanbul on January 8 proved to be a downright historic occasion. The top 4 key achievements of the meeting were: the launch of the TurkStream pipeline project, the condemnation of US destabilization in the Middle East, the confirmation of the further partnership in Syria and the de-escalation scenario on Libya. President @RTErdogan met ...

On January 8, Russian and Turkish Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met in Istanbul. The meeting took place in the Istanbul Congress Center “Halik” and lasted almost an hour and a half. At the meeting, Erdoğan presented Putin with the book Strategic Step on the Eastern Mediterranean Equation: The Turkey-Libya Deal. Prepared by Turkey’s Communication Directorate in both ...

The signing of a memorandum between Erdoğan and Sarraj regarding maritime boundaries was one of the most crucially important events for Turkey in 2019. The memorandum was important as a geopolitical counterbalance to the Greece-Israel-Egypt block which opposes Turkey in the region. The memorandum sets new contours of Turkish control in the Eastern Mediterranean. Our analysis of the geopolitics of ...