

Elections in France: Political crisis on the doorstep

Elections in France: Political crisis on the doorstep

The political center is contested from all sides, with Marine Le Pen approaching power.
The bankruptcy of France’s Africa policy

The bankruptcy of France’s Africa policy

Macron's ambitipns and positions in the French National Assembly.
Africa-France Summit: Macron will continue to colonize the continent

Africa-France Summit: Macron will continue to colonize the continent

In the summit, French President Macron was accused of racism, neocolonialism and supporting dictators. He responded by refusing to apologize for plundering African resources.
“Here we drown Algerians”

“Here we drown Algerians”

The context of the recent Algerian-French conflict
Failure Francafrique: why France is losing influence in Africa

Failure Francafrique: why France is losing influence in Africa

Emmanuel Macron's efforts to strengthen France’s position in Africa will only provoke further anti-French sentiment.
Discrediting the Yellow vests: why Macron will not resign so easily

Discrediting the Yellow vests: why Macron will not resign so easily

n France, on Saturday, March 23, the Yellow Vests held another demonstration – Act XIX
What does Macron hope to accomplish in East Africa?

What does Macron hope to accomplish in East Africa?

French President Emmanuel Macron launched his four-day tour of East Africa
Yellow Vests: The search for a “collective Robespierre”, for a new Incorruptible!

Yellow Vests: The search for a “collective Robespierre”, for a new Incorruptible!

"It is undoubtedly the most significant revolutionary movement in France in the fifty years since May 1968"
The French Anti-Neoliberal Revolution. On the conditions for its success

The French Anti-Neoliberal Revolution. On the conditions for its success

The vast majority of European media didn’t even bother to communicate to their readers or viewers the main political demands of the Yellow Vests
Revolution back in Europe! Why and how?   

Revolution back in Europe! Why and how?   

What is happening today in France is probably the most significant political development on the European continent after the collapse of the Soviet Union almost thirty years ago.