By Ali Rıza Taşdelen United World International has held an international online conference last week, on January 24. The event was titled “Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity”, presenting the Malian Minister for Refoundation, İbrahim Ikassa Maiga and Vatan Party Deputy Chairman Prof. Dr. Semih Koray. Press members from many countries, including myself, attended the conference. As someone ...

United World International has organized a webinar on “Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity” on January 24th. Speakers were Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga, Minister of Refoundation of Mali and Semih Koray, United World International expert and Deputy Chairman of the Turkish Vatan Party. Below we document the speech of Koray. Subheadings were set by UWI. I would like to ...

By Ismail Hakki Pekin The European Union (EU), the United States, the NATO and the Chairperson-in office the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) held a quadripartite coordination meeting concerning the tensions along the Russian-Ukrainian border. The meeting was the first of its kind in history. NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg evaluated the meeting as a “Strong signal ...

On January 24, United World International organized an international conference  “Mali at the Crossroads of Sanctions and Multipolarity”. Speakers were Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga, Minister of Refoundation of Mali and Semih Koray, Deputy Chairman of the Turkish Vatan Party. During the conference, the speakers discussed sanctions against Mali, Mali’s cooperation with other countries, including Turkey, and the future of the anti-colonial ...

French-drafted statement endorsing the sanctions imposed by the West African regional group ECOWAS against Mali was blocked by Russia and China on the United Nations Security Council. US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who expressed her full support for the sanction decision, also called the UNSC into action. However, the efforts of France and the USA were not ...

Last Sunday, January 9, the West African integration association ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) announced the imposition of sanctions against Mali. ECOWAS justified the sanctions formally with the refusal of the Malian government to hold elections in the country this year. The country’s ruling senior military had asked to postpone the elections until 2025. Sanctions against Mali would ...

Born 1942 in Bamako, Aminata Dramane Traoré is a Malian author and political activist. She has served her country as Minister for Culture and Tourism from 1997 to 2000 and has also worked in United Nations Development Programme. Traoré has been and is a loud critic of globalization, neo-colonization and gender oppression. She has written several books that criticize the ...

Anti-French protests are sweeping many countries in Africa. Who is challenging Paris’s policies on the continent and why? Stop the convoy In November 2021, the French military command decided to move military reinforcements to Gao, Mali. In that country, France is conducting the military operation “Barkhan,” ostensibly aimed at terrorists operating in the region. However, the attempt to move 60 ...

Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga of Mali said that France has failed to fight terrorism in his country and accused Paris of helping terrorists. The head of Mali’s government said this in an interview with several world agencies. According to Turkish news agency Anadolu, Maiga said the outcome of the French military intervention in the country was a triumph for ...

A security crisis is unfolding in Mali, one of France’s former colonies in Africa. According to Anadolu news agency, five Malian soldiers were killed Sunday in an ambush by terrorists against a Malian army patrol at Manidjè in the commune of Kolongo (Macina Circle), in the center of the country. Ambushes and attacks with explosive devices happen all the time ...