By Erkin Feyyaz Eşli The United States, France, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have jointly started to create a new zone of instability in Southern Libya. And it is certain that this new center of chaos will not only threaten the North Africa, but also the Eastern Mediterranean and even the entire Middle East. They are preparing new areas ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International. Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity ...

The war in Nagorno-Karabakh On September 27, large-scale battles began in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan informed that Armenian forces shelled Azerbaijani positions and settlements. Armenia blamed Azerbaijan for the beginning of the conflict. As a result, a new Armenian-Azerbaijani war broke out.  The Azerbaijani army successfully overcame the enemy’s resistance, liberating a number of territories already on the first day. The ...

BY ALİ RIZA TAŞDELEN Discussions on the military coup in Mali, one of France’s former colonies in Africa, are ongoing. Unfortunately, the African countries that gained independence from France were not fully liberated. France continued to plunder the rich resources of its former colonies, such as uranium, gold, diamonds and iron. When the interests of these countries were at stake, ...

Mali In Mali, a coup d’état involving the military took place, during which President Ibrahim Keita was deposed, as was Prime Minister Boubou Cissé. The military announced a three-year transition period to form a civilian government. According to an ECOWAS report from August 23, the State is now headed by a representative of the armed forces and the Government will ...

The putschists who conducted a military coup in Mali, where political crises have continued since May, forced President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita to resign, announcing that the elections would be held in the most reasonable time frame possible. The Malian Air Force deputy chief of staff, Ismail Wague, who appeared on the state television ORTM with a group of soldiers, read ...

In Mali, the military supported street protests and eventually arrested President Ibrahim Keita and Prime Minister Buba Cisse. After Keita’s arrest, he resigned and dissolved Parliament. The last precedent of a military coup in Mali was in 2012 in Kati, where military personnel rebelled against an ineffective command that was unable to stop the swell of jihadists, after which France ...

In recent days, Mali has been engulfed by a series of dangerous interconnected events – a violent confrontation with an al-Qaeda cell, ethnic conflicts, as well as protests demanding the resignation of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, fuelled by rising anti-French sentiment. Keïta is taking a risk In Mali, civil protests continue unabated – from simple demonstrations with posters and ...

The Berbers are the indigenous people of North and West Africa, the ethnic substrate on which Arabization was later superimposed. Despite the fact that Arabs make up the majority, a significant part of the population from Libya to Mauritania has Berber roots. The size of the Berber (Amazigh) population is estimated to be between 30 and 50 million people, making ...

The Sahel region, which includes Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Algeria, remains host to vast criminal networks, drug trafficking and terrorist groups. Developments in Mali have hit the headlines over the past week ags terrorists attacked UN peacekeeping forces in Tessalit. As a result of the attack, at least 20 people, including 18 representatives of the organization, died from rocket ...