By Guillermo Martín Caviasca, Buenos Aires, Argentina Interview with General of the Argentine Army (RE) Fabian Brown, who served as director of Operational Education, director of the National Military College and director of Army Education and Rector of the Army University Institute. He is currently president of the Federation of Mutual Insurance of the Armed and Security Forces. He has ...

By Guillermo Martín Caviasca, Buenos Aires, Argentina In this interview with the Malvinas war veteran and Chief of Intelligence of the Argentine Navy from 2011 to 2015, Rear Admiral Guillermo Tomé, we look at the different stages of Argentine defense in the last 40 years until reaching the present day. You occupied a privileged position to observe the geopolitical, defense ...

By Úrsula Asta, Buenos Aires, Argentina Argentina, a member of NATO? These days, at the local level, Argentina exhibits some of the obscenest images. The president says, in a business forum held in the south, that those who hide money are heroes who have escaped the clutches of the State. Meanwhile, in terms of international relations, the country shows a ...

By Guillermo Caviasca * Cyprus is an island of 9251 km² and in 2017 had a population of about 1.200.000 inhabitants. The history of the island dates back to the origins of mankind as it is located at a junction of communications by sea between the first civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean. Source of copper, it appears as an object ...

By Micaela Constantini * Faced with the scenery of international conflict and geopolitical transition, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with their watchdog NATO, are trying to maintain their hegemony in key geopolitical territories such as the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Western Balkans and the South Atlantic. This year the world went through a profound process of transformations ...

By Micaela Constantini * On November 23, the agreement was ratified between the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Ministry of Defense, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, for the deployment of personnel from the Security Forces of Kosovo (KSF) to the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands to the ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * In 1982, I was in Nicaragua. The country was living the first years of the Sandinista revolution and I was working in the Army. One day in April, someone whose name unfortunately I have not been able to memorize asked me if I was willing to go to the Malvinas to fight alongside the Argentine ...

Asked about the recent Chinese-Russian joint statment, “The path ahead must be that of multipolarity, since no country in the world is born to be a satellite of another”, says Sabino Vaca Narcava, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to the People’s Republic of China in his interview with United World International. In today’s second and last part of the interview, ...

By Oscar Rotundo / Buenos Aires Forty years after the battle for sovereignty in Malvinas and in view of the global offensive of the British colonial policy from the South Atlantic to Ukraine, we interviewed Carlos Raimundi, Argentine representative to the OAS on the current situation of the conflict. The Argentine diplomat classified Britain’s Malvinas policy as “colonialist”, stated that ...

By Oscar Rotundo / Buenos Aires United World International and PIA Global ( simultaneously publish this interview. In the context of the 40th anniversary of the Battle for the recovery of Malvinas (for the United Kingdom, Falkland Islands), we interviewed Guillermo Carmona, Secretary of State on Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic. Carmona is also the representative of the Argentine Ministry ...