Italy under the ‘sovereigntist’ Meloni has followed through on what had already been announced, as well as widely anticipated, and has notified China of its withdrawal from the Silk Road. In this regard, as reported by the media, the Italian government has delivered an official note to China to communicate the intention to exit the agreement. The move was preceded ...

In 2019 Italy joined the Belt and Road Initiative, but recent statements from top officials suggest that the agreement might not be renewed again. The Belt and Road Initiative by China, aimed at reviving trade along the historic Silk Road, remains uncertain in Rome. Italy, the only G7 member in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), is contemplating an exit ...

Which foreign policy will the new Italian government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni follow? Meloni herself answered this question at the end of October, in the aftermath of Berlusconi’s statements on the situation in Ukraine. “On one thing I have been, am, and will always be clear. I intend to lead a government with a clear and unequivocal foreign ...