By Kohei Mizugaki, civic activist The recent visit to Yasukuni Shrine for worship by dozens of officers of the Ground Self-Defense Force, including the deputy chief of staff, has been criticized as being systematic and unconstitutional, violating the principle of separation of religion and state. The excuse that it was a private act cannot be accepted, since the official vehicles ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen The drums of war are beating louder in Europe. Countries are trying to strengthen their armies. However, far from achieving their targets of increasing the number of soldiers, many countries are facing resignations. Young people are reluctant to join the military. Calls from NATO leaders for a Crusade-like mobilization against Russia are falling on deaf ears. ...

By Işıkgün Akfırat German Defense Minister Lambrecht has resigned after being criticized for blocking aid to Ukraine. The resignation comes just before a summit of Western defense ministers to be held at the largest US military base in Europe. It is considered to have been forced in order to break the resistance of the Olaf Scholz government to sending tanks ...

Since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine launched on February 24, militarization in Europe has accelerated. Two countries are leading the way: Germany and France. French President Emmanuel Macron’s declaration on June 13 that France and Europe have entered a state of “war economy” can be seen as the naming of this process. Macron’s plan of a ‘self-sufficient’ and ‘powerful’ military ...

By Mehmet Emre Öztürk Shinzo Abe was giant capable the political landscape from behind the curtain His death following an assassination seems prone to change political balances in both domestic and foreign affairs. Abe’s death has already changed the political dynamics within the Liberal Democrat Party LDP. It cannot be dismissed that the assassination has shaken the political centers that ...

Russia’s military operation against Ukraine triggered a wave of militarization in many European countries. Increased military spending and investment, discussions on conscription, attempts to join NATO and much more. French President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement on June 13, stating that France and Europe had switched to a “war economy”, can be read as the naming of these latest developments. That is the ...

On February 27, 2022, three days after the eruption of conflict in Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivered a policy statement in the German Parliament. He said “We are living through a watershed era. And that means that the world afterwards will no longer be the same as the world before”. In the Western world, Germany was considered to be ...