Last week in Türkiye, vote on Sweden’s NATO membership in the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) was at the top agenda. The visit of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi was another important event. The announcement by the National Security Council (MGK) regarding the Montreux Convention, related to the insistence of the US/UK on entering the Black Sea, also found its place ...

After Russia’s operation against Ukraine, Ukraine laid mines in the region around Odessa and Mykolaiv ports. The Sea of Azov came under Russian control. Thus, the grain export of Ukraine, most of which are done from these ports (90% of the total), came to a standstill. Ukraine ranks second in the world in grain production after the USA. Ukraine exports ...

Following Russia’s decision to diplomatically recognize the Donbas Republics, tensions flared up between these and the forces of Kyiv. Leaders of the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics have demanded support from Moscow arguing they were under attack of Ukrainian forces. Upon this request, Russia has started a military operation in the Donbas Region. While the US, United Kingdom and the European ...

The world’s eyes are on the crisis unfolding in Ukraine. The possibility of a war between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine is discussed widely, while NATO members continue to mount up forces along the Ukrainian-Russian border. United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan interviewed the Russian Member of State Duma Evgeny Popov. Popov is the Chairman of the Commission ...

Relations between Turkey and the US are conflictive from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, from the Caucasus to Syria and Libya. The recently published documentary “A dying Empire”, which deals with the global decline of the US, has also touched on these issues, where Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı provided insightful information and opinions. United World International documents below ...

Some experts have been saying that the Istanbul Canal will open the Montreux Convention up to debate, despite the government’s assurance that the Istanbul Canal and the 1936 agreement regarding Turkey’s ownership of the Turkish Straits are independent of each other. Retired Admiral Mustafa Ozbey has evaluated the Istanbul Canal’s correlation to the Montreux convention, and offered his opinions about ...