By Fadil Pashayev “The US tries to achieve its goals by putting pressure on the country it wants by means of financial-economic, political, ideological, informational-psychological, diplomatic and other means. Objective analyses show that the West has been interfering in the internal affairs of other countries for decades in order to change the foreign and domestic policies of independent states and ...

“The US is using the Armenian government to create a second Ukraine and destabilize the region. This is why they have fueled the conflict in the region.” Uwidata author Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated the recent developments in the South Caucasus on Russia Today’s French broadcast. Political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan, welcome to our broadcast. Senior American officials, Samantha Power, the ...

This article discusses the developments in the South Caucasus and France’s activities in the region. It was first published in French on African thinker Nathalie Yamb’s blog. English translation by UWI. Indeed, following a flash offensive by Baku troops last week, the President of Nagorno-Karabakh acknowledged his defeat and officially signed his surrender to Azerbaijan on Thursday, September 28, 2023, ...

The Azerbaijani army launched an anti-terror operation in Khankendi in Karabakh, on September 19. After 24 hours of the operation, separatist Armenian forces in Khankendi surrendered all their ammunition to the Azerbaijani army, confirming a ceasefire mediated by Russian peacekeepers. Russia’s Ministry of Defense said the ceasefire would be implemented in coordination with Russian peacekeepers in the region. Uwidata author, ...

Interview and editing by Yunus Soner Azerbaijan has pursued a fast anti-terror operation in the Karabakh region, resulting in the local Armenian militia laying down arms and starting negotiations with Baku. Simultaneously, tensions between Armenia and Russia reached new levels, with Armenian Prime Minister Pashinian questioning his country’s alliance with Moscow. We spoke on the issues with ret. Lieutenant-General Ismail ...

By İsmet Özçelik Regional powers united and Karabakh has once again become Azerbaijani territory, thanks to the collective efforts of Russia, Türkiye and Iran after 30 years of occupation. Armenia’s Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, had been following a rational path. Russia suggested 3+3 and the course was promising. However, Western intervention in the region has triggered new challenges. “We won’t ...

By Rafael Fakhrutdinov William Burns and Sergey Naryshkin, heads of the CIA and the SVR, visited the Armenian capital three days apart. The authorities of the republic claim that this is only a coincidence. With Burns, they discussed the “peace process” with neighboring Türkiye, and Naryshkin was invited to “share his experience” – to help with the creation of his ...

United World International’s expert Mehmet Perinçek evaluated the latest developments in the normalization process between Turkey and Armenia and the survey conducted by Gallup International in Armenia on the Azerbaijan website We have prepared the English translation of the interview, which was published in Russian, for United World International readers. Following Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, a member of the ...

United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek provided an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet Perinçek spoke about the exclusion of the West from the Southern Caucasus and the rapproachment between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Below we present the interview as published by The original text can be read here. Is it necessary to normalize relations between Armenia and Turkey, ...

The normalization process between Turkey and Armenia came to the fore again when Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced that he could attend a political event to be held in Turkey.   United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan commented on the process in an interview given to Russian news outlet   Below we present the interview as published ...