By Tülin Uygur, reporting from Stockholm / Sweden Different evaluations can be made regarding Türkiye’s 14th and 28th May election results, but the most important point is the high voter turnout, with 88.92% in the first round and 84.15% in the second. Erdoğan will continue to be decisive in Türkiye’s domestic and foreign relations for another five years. During the ...

Russia-NATO relations have been discussed since Russia’s military campaign against Ukraine. One of the most important issues affecting relations in the current context is whether NATO promised Russia that it would not “expand eastward” during the unification of the East and West Germanys. In many of his speeches, Vladimir Putin refers to NATO’s “broken promises” from the early 1990s onwards. ...

Many distinguished intellectuals, activists, working people, trade unionists and politicians from all five continents have just pointed out, by signing an appeal to world public opinion, the enormous nuclear, ecological, social and economic dangers for all humanity provoked by the conflict in Ukraine and the unleashed Cold War. The appeal, drafted by the Initiative for the revival of the Bandung ...

The NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, keeps on fueling debates. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek commented on the summit and its decisions in an interview to China Radio International Türkiye, CRI Türk. UWI documents below the interview as published by CRI Türk. Dr. Mehmet Perinçek commented on Türkiye’s withdrawal of its veto against Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership. “The ...

On the NATO summit in Madrid, a trilateral memorandum between Türkiye, Sweden and Finland was agreed upon. The two Scandinavian countries ensure to support Türkiye’s efforts in counterterrorism and lift arms emborgoes against Ankara, while Türkiye in exchange retracts its veto against their NATO membership. United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan commented on the agreement in various interviews, he ...

It is predicted at the moment that the Russia-Ukraine hostilities will not end anytime soon. An agreement could have already been reached, especially after the talks in Istanbul, but there are those who are working to prolong the war as long as possible. We are talking in particular about the United States, the United Kingdom and the NATO circles headed ...

By Mehmet Kıvanç “The Ukraine conflict has altered all dynamics of the global order and the regional geopolitics. What was impossible yesterday has become possible today. The conflict has born some results that surprised the US too, beginning with India walking away from the American alliance. We are asking ourselves whether India was heading towards the Russian-Chinese side, but now, ...

By Mehmet Kıvanç While Russia’s “special military operation” is continuing, initiatives to include Sweden and Finland as new members to NATO are gaining importance. While the world is curious about Russia’s reaction to a possible enlargement of NATO, experts agree that a possible NATO enlargement will cause new crises. Retired Rear-Admiral Ali Deniz Kutluk in the Turkish Naval Forces, who ...

As the struggle over Ukraine between Russia and the United States continues, we turn our attention to some of the most relevant historical factors influencing the current crisis. An extraordinary exigency: crisis in Ukraine It is impossible to explain what is happening in the world solely through the lens of military strategy, sociology or political science. A new multipolar world ...

The world’s eyes are on the crisis unfolding in Ukraine. The possibility of a war between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine is discussed widely, while NATO members continue to mount up forces along the Ukrainian-Russian border. United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan interviewed the Russian Member of State Duma Evgeny Popov. Popov is the Chairman of the Commission ...