Adnan Akfirat is Representative to China and Member of International Relations Bureau of the Vatan Party of Turkey. He is also the Chairman of Turkish-Chinese Business Development and Friendship Association (Turk-Cin Is Der) and visiting researcher of Shanghai University Turkish Studies Center and Shihezi University Silk Road Research Center. Akfirat has been living in Shanghai since 2011. Born in 1957 ...

Turkish President and leader of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech during his party’s parliamentary group meeting at the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara on June 1, 2022. Responding to a question on whether Turkey blocked the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland to hit back at the United States, US State ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has published a decision and explanatory statement on the country’s relations with NATO. Decided upon by the Central Committee of the party, the statement was made public on 70th anniversary of Turkey’s entry to the North Atlantic Alliance. The Vatan Party states that Turkey’s exit from NATO is it’s “strategic target” and calls the Turkish government to ...