Both are United States: In the south are the United Mexican States, as the state of Mexico is officially named. In the north are the United States of America. On their relationship focused the third and final part of our interview with Rafael Barajas Durán. As a reminder: Barajas is President of the National Institute of Political Education, which is ...
We are presenting the second part of our interview with Rafael Barajas Durán. The first part of the interview dealt with the issue of drug trafficking, and ended with Barajas saying that the Mexican government is “trying to rescue national sovereignty in regards to security”. The concept of ‘national sovereignty’ stands in the very center of the second part of ...
By Michael Roberts * Published on October 30 before the elections, Roberts’ article provides deep insight into Brazil’s economic situation and challenges. These have not changed with the election results, quite the contrary, Roberts’ article describes the landscape that President-elect Lula faces. Therefore, we consider the article of great value, UWI. The latest polls put Workers Party leader Lula de ...
The elections in Italy following the fall of the government led by the quisling Mario Draghi lived up to expectations: the center-right coalition won. First party is Fratelli d’Italia, which reaches 26% or 7,302,517 votes. Other parties in the coalition with the Lega get 8.77% and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia reaches 8.11% of the votes. Even more pronounced was the ...
Mexico’s energy reforms keep on fueling tensions with the country’s northern neighbor, the United States. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented the latest public episode in his daily press conference on July 28, when he questioned the free trade agreement between Mexico, United States and Canada, the USMCA. USMCA was signed in 2018 as a follow-up on the infamous ...
During the COVID-19 crisis, many countries in the world launched stimulus measures to stop the deterioration of their productive and financial sectors. Rich nations, based on a growing indebtedness, have carried out unprecedented fiscal interventions to prevent economic collapse. How will that be paid for once the global recovery begins? The Global South has not had the same opportunity. Debt, ...
On October 19, 2021, it had been two years since the social outbreak that shocked Chile and surprised the whole world that, at that time, held the trans-Andean nation as “the model”, as it was in the words of President Sebastián Piñera: “An oasis” in the chaotic Latin American desert. In this article we are going to review the causes ...