By Jacques Cheminade, President Solidarité et Progrès (France) “Out of the strong came forth sweetness.” (Judges 14:14) “Pray at night so that people can sleep.” (Hadith) The situation in the Middle East is a shame for all. A shame, because nobody really fought to put an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We have allowed a people who live surrounded by ...

The Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Coordinating Bureau themed “NAM: United and steadfast in confronting emerging challenges” has been held at Baku Convention Center. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement held the opening speech. Below we present the speech in its translation as published by the Azerbaijani presidency. Subtitles were set ...

On March 2, the Summit-level Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group in response to COVID-19 convened in Baku. The following representatives of state attended: Prime Minister of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Aymen Benabderrahmane, Prime Cabinet Secretary of Republic of Kenya Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi, Vice President of Tanzania Philip Isdor Mpango, Vice-President of the Republic of Cuba Salvador ...

Over the weekend, the military aspect of current global block confrontation became visible one again: Western nations gathered in the American military base in Ramstein, Germany, to negotiate further arms deliveries to Ukraine. Some 9.000 kilometers to the south, in Durban and Richards Bay, the navies of South Africa, China and Russia gathered for a joint naval exercise. The maneuvers, ...

A libertarian voice loaded with virtue is rising from the easternmost edge of Asia… A pioneer speaks: “Millions of Asian and African peoples have joined the ranks of independent countries. This is a fait accompli. After the Second World War, there is probably nothing more important than this. It has an explosive force at least the size of a hydrogen ...

In early spring, we moved from the reality of the Pandemic to the situation of war. And as we know, war is the imperialists’ favourite method of postponing and concealing internal contradictions and crises of capitalism. Nothing fuels the economy as well as the blood of workers. And the Russian-Ukrainian war, the new Iron Curtain and the renewed “Reds Under ...