The new year has come with good news for the oppressed the world over. The pandemic of 2020 revealed that the imperialist system is incapable of sustaining itself. Not only did this system unravel under the pressure of the pandemic, but more importantly, it brought to consciousness the fact that this system threatens the earth and humanity with its rotten ...

“The wolf was asked, ‘why is your neck so thick?’, ‘ because, I do my work myself’, it answered.” 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region have organized a free trade zone covering one third of the world economy. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, as being the world’s largest trade agreement to date, was signed on November 15. Take ...

Major global trends: COVID-19 The new coronavirus pandemic was the biggest problem for all humankind in 2020. What began as just another virus has become a pandemic on a scale comparable to the deadly Spanish flu a century ago. According to the WHO, 72.4 million people have been infected with the coronavirus. Coronavirus has become a major challenge to public ...

President Donald Trump will go down in US history as the president who most openly challenged China in terms of trade wars, technological competition and geopolitics. China has suffered much from the measures that Trump has taken – but at least it was an open game. With the possible arrival of Joe Biden and his team, US-China relations will certainly ...

The turmoil in the American elections is an unquestionable and concrete reflection of the collapse of the United States of America. The internal turmoil will continue regardless of who becomes the President of the United States. These shocking internal upheavals will conclude when the US ceases to impose its hegemony on the world. LET BYGONES BE BYGONES We need to ...

Chinese President Xi Jinping issued a clear warning to the US in Beijing this week. After many years, the first meeting to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Entering the Korean front in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was held in Beijing. In his speech at the meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping, also ...

As Western initiatives fail, Beijing remains the most important anchor for stability On November 19, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a press conference that “China hopes that relevant parties in Libya will earnestly implement the ceasefire agreement and resume the political settlement process at an early date. This not only conforms to the fundamental interests of Libya, ...

This week, the IMF presented its World Economic Outlook Report of 2020, which provides an overview of the world economy. The reports coming out of this conference are interesting, and contain information that America does not want to hear nor accept, such as the fact that China has dethroned the US and become the world’s largest economy, a fact that ...

Cheng Enfu, an adviser to Chinese President Xi Jinping on economic issues, stated that Turkey’s participation in the Belt and Road Initiative would contribute to finding a peaceful solution to the problems in Eastern Mediterranean. In an article co-authored with Li Jing and published in Belt and Road Initiative Quarterly (BRIQ) Autumn 2020 issue, Prof. Cheng Enfu emphasizes that “the ...

The People’s Republic of China celebrated its 71 anniversary on October 1. In announcing the establishment of the new government in 1949, Mao Zedong, ‘China’s Atatürk’ stated the following during the 7th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in June 1945: THE FOOLISH OLD MAN WHO CARRIES MOUNTAINS There is an ancient Chinese tale called ‘The foolish old ...