By Adem Kılıç * Türkiye’s military presence and operations in Iraq are also having an impact in Iraq after Syria, as a manifestation of Türkiye’s “eradicating terrorism at its source” approach since 2017. Launched in 2019, the Claw Operations aimed to end the presence of the terrorist organization PKK in northern Syria and Iraq and to sever the terrorists’ ties ...

We conducted an interview with Turkish journalist Ceyhun Bozkurt on Türkiye-US relations, Türkiye’s position in NATO and Türkiye’s alternatives to the alliance.In order to evaluate these properly, we looked at the situation in a wide geography from Iraq to Syria, from the Black Sea to the Eastern Mediterranean. The US continues to support the PKK/PYD terrorist organization. Washington recently announced ...

By Yunus Soner Last week, Türkiye and Iraq signed an agreement on military and security. We asked Ceyhun Bozkurt, Turkish international politics expert, about the content and the effects of the agreement. To begin with, what is the content of the agreement? On August 15, Türkiye and Iraq’s Internal Affairs Ministers, Defense Ministers, Foreign Ministers and Intelligence Officials came together ...

West Asia is living tectonic shifts at all of its corners, from the Palestine conflict over the Iranian-Israeli tensions, from Turkish-Iraqi agreements to rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus and its repercussions in the Ukraine conflict. We asked Ismail Hakkı Pekin, retired lieutenant-general of the Turkish Armed Forces and former Head of Intelligence at the General Staff, on his evaluations. Let ...

The US’s delivery of air defense systems to the PKK/YPG/PYD terrorist organization in northern Syria sparked reactions in the Turkish public. The Turkish Armed Forces made a statement condemning the US. The National Security Council provided important evaluations on terrorism, Syria, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and developing relations with African countries. Meanwhile, 102 athletes from Türkiye compete at ...

By Mehmet Perinçek Recently, the long-awaited and necessary developments in Türkiye-Syria relations have begun to surface. The announcements made in Ankara and Damascus are promising. However, for these positive signals to materialize and lead to concrete results, there are some critical points that need to be addressed. The aim: Strategic cooperation Firstly, the aim in Türkiye-Syria relations should not merely ...

By Mohamed Sabreen, Cairo / Egypt There is no doubt that Turkish-Syrian reconciliation is “inevitably coming.” Rather, we are witnessing a frantic race by the Turkish opposition to snatch the reconciliation card from the government’s hands and outperform Erdogan in the matter, head start to meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It is surprising that Erdogan is rushing reconciliation, and ...

Türkiye’yi siyasi platformda zora sokmak, itibarını zedelemek için tıpkı Amerika’daki radikal Ermeniler gibi Güney Afrika’da da radikal bölücü gruplar, en az 30 yıldır Türk devleti aleyhine propaganda faaliyetleri yürütmektedir. Şüphesiz bu faaliyetlerin esas gayesi Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ni bölmek ve sözde bir Kürt devleti kurmaktır. İsrail ve Amerika başta olmak üzere Türkiye’yi düşman gören bütün devletlerin bu tür menfi oluşumlara destek verdiği ...

Daha önce bazı Avrupa ülkelerinin, 15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin ardından Türkiye’den kaçan FETÖ’cülere nasıl kol kanat açtıklarını bu köşeden yazmıştım. AK Parti tarafından hazırlanan bir raporda, bu defa bazı Avrupa ülkelerinin terör örgütü PKK’ya resmen “yardım ve yataklık” yaptıkları dile getirildi. Türkiye’ye karşı terörle mücadele de her zaman olduğu gibi ikiyüzlü davranan Avrupa ülkelerinin, binlerle masum insanın ölümünden sorumlu terör ...

Birçok ülkede terör örgütlerini taşeron olarak kullanıp binlerce insanın ölümüne sebep olan ve bazı ülkenin bölünmesinde en büyük rolü olan ABD, her yıl olduğu gibi bu yılda evlere şenlik bir terörizm raporu açıkladı. Başta İran olmak üzere bazı ülkeleri teröre destek vermekle suçlayan ABD, PKK’nın Suriye kolu olan YPG’yi  “terör örgütü” olarak rapora koymadığı gibi, terör örgütü lideri  sözde General ...