By Mehmet Yuva Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met with members of the Central Committee of the Syrian Ba’ath Party on January 16. Urgent issues of the country, as well as various current global topics, especially Palestine, were discussed in the meeting. A few days after the meeting, by presidential decree, Syria’s National Security Chief (former General Intelligence Director) Ali Mamlouk ...

By Dr. Najm al-Ahmad Minister of Justice of the Syrian Arab Republic 2012 – 2017, Professor at the Faculty of Law in Damascus University The illegal intervention of the United States in Syria internal affairs can be evaluated altogether as a political, economic and legal issue. The acts of the United States are not based on any legal legitimacy. They can ...

On September 7, Turkish media reported that Turkish special services conducted a joint special operation to detain one of the leaders of the Daesh terrorist group in eastern Türkiye. Security forces from the Gaziantep Provincial Gendarmerie Command and Gendarmerie Syria Task Force joined the operation, the Sabah newspaper reported Wednesday. The apprehended criminal’s name is Ramo Muhammed al-Hamed. The newspaper ...

By Mehmet Kıvanç The Turkish Armed Forces are preparing for a military operation throughout Northern Syria, against the terrorist organizations PKK/YPG/PYD. The Chairman of the Research Center on Terrorism and Counterterrorism of 21st Century Institution of Turkey, retired Col. Unal Atabay, has commented on CRITurk on the possible military operation. Atabay reminded that Turkey’s operation against the terror corridor that ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First topic was the official statement by ambassadors of the US, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, and France regarding the trial of Osman Kavala, a FETO convict, and President Erdogan’s reactions. Second topic was the prolongation of military deployment to Iraq ...