By Szymon Kowalczyk Syrians, Egyptians, Libyans, Nigerians, Afghans, Pakistanis… The migrants and refugees’ flow from the Middle East and Africa, seeking to reach the European Union and the UK, continues to increase. In 2023, about 1.3 million migrants were registered on the continent – this is the highest figure over the last 7 years. “Guests” mainly go to Europe from ...

Poland is heading towards elections. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Poland has been one of the countries with the clearest position against Russia and in support of Ukraine. Yet recently there have been signs and statements to the contrary. Despite its complete alignment with the US and the European Union in its opposition to Russia, together with ...

On July 23, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Saint Petersburg. The two leaders addressed the latest situation in Ukraine, the Wagner issue and the strained relations between Belarus and Poland. We asked Alexey Dzermant, political scientist and the Director of the Center for Research and Development of Continental Integration of North Eurasia, Minsk, about ...

By Hüseyin Vodinalı Putin wants an agreement on the current status quo in Ukraine. Biden (and the oligarchy that rules him behind the scenes) wants an electoral victory or, if not, the continuation of the war. Ukraine is devastated. It has no military left. Its weapons are not enough. It manages with pipeline, bridge, and dam sabotages. The final trump ...

The conflict at the border on the territory of Poland, November 15, 2022, was about to trigger the Third World War, judging by the hysterical headlines in the media. There was an incident in the east of the country in the village of Przewodów. Objects fell to the ground, which were mistaken for “Russian missiles” even before any examination. Two ...

„Cezary did not know who he actually was and where was his place in these disputes. He could not stand on the side of the Armenians, neither the Tatars, nor the Turks, nor the English, nor the Russians who ruled here and later overthrew their power, bringing the slogans of the Revolution. The Revolution, however, failed and was out of ...

“Think Tanks“ are official or private institutions of vital importance in the international policies of imperialist states. Thousands of institutions, from the Hoover Institute to the Smithsonian Institution, from the National Foundation for democracy to the International Relations Department of any university, create ideas to contribute to the state policy of imperialist countries. Perhaps the most vocal of these institutions ...

Erdogan, Putin, Rouhani negotiations The Presidents of Turkey, Russia and Iran held a trilateral virtual summit on Syria. As a result of video negotiations, the leaders of the states – Recep Tayyip Erdogan Vladimir Putin, and Hassan Rouhani – adopted a joint resolution. During the video call, the leaders discussed humanitarian, economic and security issues. The leaders paid special attention ...

It would be easier for Polish voters to skip voting in the second round of the presidential elections in Poland altogether, and simply wait for results of the American elections between Donald Trump and Joe Biden this Autumn instead. They might as well do so, given that the American President also de facto rules the US colonies such as Poland. ...

The ruling pro-American Law and Justice party won the general election in Poland and got an independent majority in the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish Parliament). Despite the record mobilization of the electorate, PiS was only able to repeat the result it reached 4 years ago. In addition, it lost the majority in the Senate (the upper house). ...