May 2018 was a month filled with political disasters for the American policy makers in the Middle East. Pro-Iranian politicians were able to take control of the majority of Lebanese Parliament seats on May 6 followed by anti-American politicians winning in the Iraqi parliament on May 12. The American side claimed that the late General Ghassem Soleimani was responsible for ...

A rivalry between Saudi Arabia and the UAE has emerged in southern Yemen, the winner of which stands to greatly strengthen its position in the international arena. However, this power struggle is taking place as a result of the crisis in Yemen, likely the worst humanitarian disaster of the 21st century.   THE SIDES OF THE CONFLICT Yemen has two ...

A BRIEF INTRODUCTORY HISTORY Yemen is located in what has historically been considered the finest part of the Arab Peninsula, which has prompted numerous attempts to take control of the area. Before oil was found elsewhere on the Peninsula, Yemen was also seen as having the largest concentration of natural wealth. At that time, Saudi Arabia had little more than ...

Saudi Foreign Ministry demands that the world community take tough stance on Iran and prevent it from ‘spreading chaos’. Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister said Iran could eliminate the risks of a war in the region by observing international law, stopping interference in the internal affairs of regional countries, dropping support of terrorist groupings, and abandoning its nuclear/missile programs. ...