Political changes in Iraq The Iraqi Parliament has given its support to the Cabinet of Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazemi, thus ending an almost six-month political crisis. Only five candidates remained without a vote of confidence, including the new head of the Foreign Ministry. At the same time, al-Kazemi’s choice has already been approved by the US and Iran, which are ...

The assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Quds force, was a powerful blow against Iran’s foreign operations. While the incident led to passivity among the shocked Iranian public at first, it soon became a motive for national unity and cohesion. The incident also paved the way for the release of previously unknown records regarding ...

This week, several cities in Iran will host ceremonies to commemorate the 40th day following the assassination of former Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani. While the mourning ceremonies for the loss of the popular military commander have nearly come to their conclusion, questions remain about the impact Soleimani’s absence will have on Iranian foreign policy in the region. Some believe ...

The crash of an American plane in the Afghan province of Ghazni has raised rumors, debates  and doubts in Afghanistan over who actually controls the country’s airspace. BACKGROUND At midday on Monday January 27, Afghan media outlets began to report that a passenger plane had gone down in the Deh Yak district of Ghazni province (an area which has been ...

Regular meetings between Irani and Qatari officials have led to heavy speculation, particularly considering that tensions between Tehran-Washington have reached their apex. Some suspect that Qatar may have played a role in General Soleimani’s assassination, while others believe the country is preparing to play a mediating role between the US and Iran. In any event, it is clear that the ...

Ah, America’s much lauded “Freedom of the Press,” part and parcel of the holy writ of liberalism, the US constitution, which ostensibly enshrines the population’s right to freely publish and access information, separating our so-called “democracy” from the countries that get the epitaph “regime” in the papers. However, for those outside the western world, it might come as a surprise ...

An “Unforgivable Mistake” Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 sent shockwaves across the globe upon its crash merely two minutes after taking off from Khomeini International Airport in Tehran. The plane was almost instantly put on display in a video shared throughout social media – engulfed in flames and in rapid descension. Initial reports from Iranian Civil Aviation suggested technical malfunctions ...

What further developments will we see in the Middle East in the wake of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani? How will Iran respond, and how should Turkey relate to the killing? “The US plan has two phases: 1. To provoke Iran and Sunni Arab countries against each other… 2. To force clashes between Arab countries, especially Egypt and Turkey, through ...

On January 5, right after the IRGC’s missile attacks on American bases in Iraq, a Ukrainian passenger plane crashed near Teheran. The 737 Boeing aircraft left Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran at 6:12 a.m. Wednesday. There were 176 people aboard, including nine crew members, according to the airline. American media quickly began to circulate information that the crash was ...

Oil prices increased in the final months of the previous year and after the drone’s attacked the Aramco refinery. However, after Aramco was able to reach its level of production and export capacity before the attack, relative stability returned to the oil market. Subsequently, there was no change in the oil market, given the surplus oil supply in the market ...