British Foreign Minister Liz Truss made at an important meeting in London on April 27 the following statement: “NATO must have a global perspective. We need to avert threats in the Indo-Pacific by working with allies like Japan and Australia to ensure the Pacific is protected.” “We need to ensure that democracies like Taiwan can defend themselves,” she added. (1) ...

By Mehmet Emre Ozturk According to the official results announced on the South Korean presidential elections, the People Power Party candidate Yoon Seok-yeol is elected into the office. Elected to be the 20th President of South Korea, Yoon managed to get 16,394,815 votes or 48.56%, while his closest rival, Democratic Party of Korea candidate Lee Jae-myung managed to get received ...

The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia have announced the creation of “an enhanced trilateral security partnership” called AUKUS on September 15. AUKUS aims to “meet the challenges of the twenty-first century”, the joint statement of three countries said. “As a first initiative”, the three sides will cooperate to develop a nuclear-powered submarines for Australia, the statement declared, adding ...

By Mehmet Emre Öztürk The informal QUAD-Group (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue), comprised of the US, India, Australia and Japan, has held a virtual meeting on presidential level on March 12 in its quest for an Indo-Pacific alliance. The process, described by the US as “historic”, aims to institutionalize the QUAD and create an alliance against China in the Indo-Pacific. The US ...