Remembering Nicaragua on July 19 is every year a moral obligation for me. In Nicaragua I grew as a person, as a thinking human being and as a fighter for the most just causes of humanity. Thanks to Fidel, I was elevated to the status of internationalist combatant, the highest rank a revolutionary can aspire. Remembering Nicaragua, its noble and ...

By now word has spread about the hotly contested $6 tax on WhatsApp calls in Lebanon, but are the mass protests really about a tax hike a social media app? The Lebanese government has already announced that it will not go through with imposing the tax… yet, the people are in the streets.   In other words, it is no ...

Egypt is a country of revolutions and coups. There is a constant dance between revolutionaries and the militias who enact coups after civil forces take power. Today, the people are once again on the verge of defeating Sisi’s coup by making a revolution: the second the country has seen in the span of a short few years. PROTEST, COUP AND ...