Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently announced that he had opened embassies in 10 African countries. This is presented as a consequence of his long-term work to build a “strategic relationship” with Africa. A year ago, Dmitry Kuleba went on a tour to Africa. During May and June he visited Morocco, Mozambique, Rwanda, Ethiopia and some other countries. His trip apparently ...

A security crisis is unfolding in Mali, one of France’s former colonies in Africa. According to Anadolu news agency, five Malian soldiers were killed Sunday in an ambush by terrorists against a Malian army patrol at Manidjè in the commune of Kolongo (Macina Circle), in the center of the country. Ambushes and attacks with explosive devices happen all the time ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen The Atlantic Camp or in other word the West led by the US imperialism is crushing down. Since the 2000s, a new civilization is being born, rising up from Asia and led by China. Humanity is witnessing the rise of a new world. Countries that have imperial heritage and tradition, such as China, Russia and Turkey, ...

Year after year, France suffers defeat in African regions. While still considering itself the rightful master of the continent, Paris cannot accept the fact of loosing control in various African countries. The methods have changed, but the main objectives – the exploitation of African resources and lands – remain the same. From Cameroon to Senegal, through Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, and ...

By Awad Abdulsebur Ahmad, Addis Abeba Awad Abdulsebur Ahmad is a journalist and communication expert closely following the politics of the Horn of Africa. He has worked in Ethiopia for public, private and international humanitarian organizations for more then 20 years. Currently, he is Deputy Editor in- chief at the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA), a public owned media outlet operating ...