UWI expert Dr. Mehmet Perincek has been where the Russian military operation took place in Ukraine, upon invitation from the Russian Defense Ministry between April 29th and May 1st. Today, we present the last part of his reporting from the trip. On May 1st, we are on our way to Melitopol, the last stop of this trip. Just like tulips ...

“NATO restrained itself from facing Russia on the ground. Therefore, they have been trying to deploy mercenaries under NATO command into Ukraine. They basically desire to create a second Syria or Libya between Europe and Russia. This is actually a project serving the interests of the United States but contradicting completely those of Europe. When they go for that option, ...

Russia’s military operation enters 8th day, as the Kiev administration continues its attacks on Donbass. On the other hand, the second round of talks between the sides is expected to take place within days. The first round of negotiations has not produced the desired result. After the Maidan events in 2014, neo-Nazism began to rise in the country. These neo-Nazi ...

“We can say that the political goal of Moscow is to overthrow the current Kiev administration, which the Russian government describes as “Nazi junta”, and that its military goal is to completely disable the Ukrainian military infrastructure”, said United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan in an interview to the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet when describing the Russian military operation in ...

Following Russia’s decision to diplomatically recognize the Donbas Republics, tensions flared up between these and the forces of Kyiv. Leaders of the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics have demanded support from Moscow arguing they were under attack of Ukrainian forces. Upon this request, Russia has started a military operation in the Donbas Region. While the US, United Kingdom and the European ...