In recent years, besides Syria, Venezuela has been one of the countries living through mass migration. Thousands have left the country towards the neighboring countries, as well as to the United States. Now, they are returning. The government implanted the “Plan of Return to Homeland”, by which those Venezuelans abroad, who have no own economic transfer, are brought back by ...

We bring to your attention the article by Russian economist Sergey Glazyev, in which he examines the Russian economy’s struggle against Western sanctions. Glazyev’s article was first published in Russian in the magazine “Zavtra”. The title and subtitles in the English translation were put by UWI. Russia has restored dignity to its military, military-industrial complex and foreign policy. This hat-trick ...

By Dure Akram, Lahore, Pakistan “In Friendship” between Pakistan and Iran, “We Trust”, billboards celebrated in Urdu and Persian dotting not just the federal capital Islamabad but also Lahore and Karachi this week, as Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif brought out an unexpected ace out of his foreign policy deck. There may not have been much to read into such ...

By Pavel Volkov Olga Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Candidate of Historical Sciences, researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, senior lecturer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg), head of the Laboratorium Orientale project, talks about Russian-Chinese relations in the context of the Special military operation, China’s local and global goals, mutual influence, ...

While the German military debates plans to intervene directly in the war in Ukraine and the German government debates, among other steps, the reintroduction of obligatory military service as war preparations, others demand a different course in foreign policy. “Sanctions have failed as a policy instrument. There is no other way to peace without some interaction with Russia”, says Michael ...

The agenda was busy in Turkey last week. The Antalya Diplomacy Forum was held with wide participation from abroad and domestically. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan’s statements regarding foreign policy stood out. On the other hand, Aydınlık newspaper’s report that American diplomats pressured Turkish companies to comply with anti-Russian sanctions made a big impact. Regarding the economy, Minister ...

By Michael Roberts * After almost two full years of war, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused staggering losses to Ukraine’s people and economy. Ukraine’s GDP fell by 40% in 2022. There was a small recovery in 2023, but an additional 7.1 million Ukrainians now live in poverty. There are various estimates of the number of Ukrainian civilians and military casualties ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen For almost a month, European farmers have been taking to the streets with their tractors, agricultural vehicles and machinery. Started in Germany and then spread to France and other EU countries. French farmers occupied highways with their tractors, blocking transportation for ten days, especially at the entrances to major cities such as Paris and Lyon. They ...

Despite the progress of industry and technology, humans continue to be the weak spot in the face of nature. The devastating earthquakes that shook on February 6, 2023, the southeast of Türkiye and the northeast of Syria are new evidence of impotence facing natural disasters. The two earthquakes of 7.6 and 7.7 have claimed the lives of more than 50.000 ...

The following interview was published in English on here. We present it to our readers ss it provides first-hand insight into Russia’s struggle against sanctions and the development of responding policies. The woman who has become a nightmare for the architects of Western sanctions against Russia gives her first interview in two years. The head of the Bank of ...