It seems that the reconciliation that was announced at the Gulf summit in Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia, between the Arab Quartet countries (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Bahrain) and Qatar is nothing but a repeated chapter of relations between the two parties. With a quick look at the history of the crisis, we can be sure that all parties are still ...

It would be historically ignorant as well as ignorant of the influence of the Gulf in the region to simplify the matter by saying that the agreement that was reached between Qatar and other Gulf countries was a simple regional incident in which the disputes between the neighbors have suddenly vanished. The history of the Gulf is also the history ...

The “normalization” agreements signed between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain at an official ceremony hosted by US President Donald Trump at the White House continue to be discussed. While the normalization agreements were signed, the 3 countries also jointly signed the text called “Abraham Accords”. Reactions from the countries of the region, especially from the Palestinian administration, ...

A new wave of escalation has flared up in Libya due to the latest airstrikes on the Al-Watiya airbase. The attack was leveled against a military facility located 140 km south of Tripoli, and damaged Turkish air defence systems housed there. Ankara officials warn that the incident is likely to escalate the ongoing conflict in the wartorn North African country. ...

The anti-Turkish activities of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Saudi Arabia, which are, along with Israel, the closest allies of Anglo-Saxon imperialism, continue to intensify. Ankara’s media war with the Riyadh administration and quarrels with the UAE in context of the recent events in Libya were the latest rings in a long chain of events. Behind these conflicts ...

What the global economy needs is reasonable oil prices to help achieve higher growth, not an oil price war that may lead to recession. Saudi Arabia has started a war in the oil market on a world wide level. Some people think it is just about market share, but it is about much more than that. As oil revenues decline ...

An explosion ripped through the Sabiti, an oil tanker of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), at 05:20 on October 11 in the Red Sea, 60 nautical miles to the southwest of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, supposedly after a missile strike, Iranian media reports said minutes after the incident. Two of the tanker’s reservoirs sustained serious damage and some amounts of ...

Although Qatar is a small country, it plays a prominent role in the international arena. It had, however, failed to play a serious role in the Middle East due to Saudi pressure – however, today, it has become one of the biggest threats to the Kingdom primarily due to Saudi leaderships’ poor decision making. RELATIONS BETWEEN QATAR AND TURKEY The ...

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has had a comprehensive plan to reduce the share of oil in the economy, and it is seeking to increase the share of both renewable energy and natural gas in electricity production for export. It is also investing in high value-added products to reduce dependence on oil exports in midterm. Saudi Arabia is one of ...

Those who brutally assassinated Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul likely never imagined that they would be cursed indefinitely by their victim. They most likely thought that the support of Mohammad Bin Salman, the Saudi Arabian crown prince, and his allies in the United States’ government would be enough to assure that no one would dare question the ...