Billionaire George Soros, the author of many color revolutions around the world while commonly being referred to as a “philanthropist” in the West, is engaging in a new effort to spread the ideas of his “Open Society.” This time, he is launching a global university network in which he invests at least a billion dollars. The project, which is called ...

Coronavirus President Xi Jinping called a meeting of the Communist Party, where he said that the spread of deadly coronavirus is accelerating. It has already spread outside China, with cases of the contagion having been confirmed in the United States and Europe. The discussion of the virus has caused a stir and been replicated throughout the media-sphere. The UN is ...

How a teenage girl from Sweden became a pawn of George Soros and the left (part 2) As I discussed in the first part of this article, all the chatter around Swedish eco-activist Greta Thunberg is the result of a well-organized PR campaign with financial rather than environmental concerns. What is the political background of this complex situation and what ...

1 – France’s ‘Black Vests’ The “Yellow Vests” in France have been replaced by a new protest movement, representing a new demographic: on July 12, 2019, 700 members of the “Black Vest” movement rushed and occupied the historic Pantheon in Paris. The ‘Gilets Noir’ is a movement of undocumented migrants, predominantly from North Africa whose central demand is resident status ...

George Soros, a financier and sponsor of color revolutions, attacked China at the recent Davos forum. Soros accused Chinese leader Xi Jinping of being an “opponent of open societies,” and criticized US President Donald Trump for “concessions to Beijing.” The billionaire said that China is the richest, the most powerful and the most technologically advanced of all the “authoritarian regimes ...