The Ottoman Empire was the last great Islamic Empire. Today, many stories between the Ottoman Caliphate and local Muslim communties have been forgotten. The forgotten photos and documents from the Turkish Archives in Istanbul, however, may be able to bring back some of those memories. Indeed, numerous correspondences between Türkiye and South Africa highlight the aforementioned relations between the Ottoman ...

TATAMKHULU AFRIKA (1920-2002) was born in Egypt and came to South Africa as a young child. He fought in World War II and was taken prisoner. In the 1960s, he lived in Cape Town and converted to Islam, founding the armed resistance group Al-Jihaad. He published novels and novellas, and wrote two plays. He died following a road accident shortly ...

The purpose of this paper is to tell the story of Dr Muhammed Shukri Effendi, the first black medical student to graduate from UCT. Effendi, who studied at Trafalgar High School, went on to pursue his studies at the UCT medical school and graduated as a medical doctor in 1942. Previously, it was thought that Maramoothoo Samy-Padiachy, Cassim Saib and ...