The year 2021 laid the foundation for a new experience in world history. Two countries, which have been enemies for many years, can live in peace again in the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan and Armenia have been at war for 30 years, and after the 44 day Karabakh war, an agreement was reached between the parties. Many well-known experts did not ...

The online conference of the expert club “Caucasus – Eurasia” took place on December 14, 2021. The event was attended by experts from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Russia and Iran. The main topic of discussion was the “Syunik-Zangezur corridor – unblocking of all transport links in the region: pros and cons”. The discussion participants touched upon the following topics: the geopolitical ...

United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to Azerbaijani news outlet on the recent clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Below we present the interview as published by, the original text can be read here. Subtitles were set by UWI. The recent provocations perpetrated by Armenia on the Azerbaijani border are connected with the fact that the ...

The geopolitical situation in the world was expected to change after the presidential elections in the United States in November of last year. The victory of the Democratic Party, distinguished by its interventionist foreign policy, and Joe Biden’s entering the White House led to radical changes in Washington’s foreign policy. From the moment he officially took office as the President ...