US Commander of NORTHCOM questioned Mexican government’s ability to repell Russian spies and Chinese influence. The Mexican president responded with an emphasis on sovereignty. Just the lates episode in a clash of words between the countries – a clash with concrete content. The US President elevated the conflict in Ukraine to one between “democracies and authoritarian states”. Following that, the ...

John Bolton recently referred to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua as a “three tyrants” and announced that sanctions would be imposed against all three. According to him, all three countries will soon experience the “hard sanctions regime”. The main reason, according to Bolton, is human rights violations. The sanctions will include the ban on US citizens who take part in trade ...

Analysts who follow global geopolitical trends frequently come across the phrase: “the 21st century belongs to China”. To lend credibility to the claim, they often mention China’s $1 trillion “one belt, one road” initiative. Through this huge initiative, China is supporting infrastructure projects in strategically-located developing countries while extending loans for those projects. Beijing calls the initiative as a win-win for ...

Elections will take place in Brazil on October 7th. People will choose the president and  vice-president of Brazil, as well as the members of the National congress of Brazil, governors, vice governors and the state legislature. 13 candidates are fighting for the seat: if no candidate receives an absolute majority in the first round, a second round will take place ...

Europe The Elections in Sweden: populists and the possibility of joining NATO On the 9thof September, Parliamentary elections took place in Sweden. The parties of the ruling “red-green bloc” – the Social Democratic Workers’ Party of Sweden, the Left Party (PL) and the Party of Environmental Protection (EPP) won with a slight advantage over the opposition center-right alliance – the ...

Since various Communities in Europe have become a unified European State (at least since the Treaty of Lisbon) – it has been absolutely clear that this state-project cannot be maintained as it is, and as of today exists in an explicitly transitory form. The question of whether the European Union will survive longer than the 9th European Parliament is an ...

As a country with a strong dependence on oil and gas imports, Turkey is pursuing a developmental strategy for domestic resources which includes a renewable energy agenda alongside increases in nuclear and coal facilities. Turkey’s growing energy demand make a reliable supply of multiple resource streams a necessity. Turkey holds great potential for renewable energy and is giving priority to ...

The quickest way to get acquainted with a people or culture is to study their history. In a nation’s past, their common values, common views and abilities and weaknesses are described almost as if in a book. For example, to get acquainted with the Russian people, the easiest way is to open books on the history of Russia and read ...

In 2011, a civil war in Syria began which would continue for the next 7 years. The country became a geopolitical conflict zone for the confrontation of various states around the world. The number of countries involved in the actual conflict is difficult to account for. It all started from conflicts between forces supportive of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad ...

Hungarians love order, peace and, to say it frankly, they are also people of pleasure. Therefore, they instinctively distrust revolutionary movements… but they nonetheless cannot go for long without reacting to foreign oppression and domination. Whoever rules in Hungary must understand that Hungary – once a major European power – is always willing to fight for her freedom, identity and ...