By Adnan Akfırat, Chairman of the Turkish-Chinese Business Development and Friendship Association The whole of Asia, of which we are a part, is our homeland. Even if we are caught up in Western delusions, we should not deny our origins. We should wake up from 75 years of delusion and become one with Asia. This is what the “Asia Again” ...
By Erkin Feyyaz Eşli “O Sport, You Are Peace” is a very popular phrase in Russia, although it belongs to the founder of the modern Olympic Games, the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin. In Russia, this expression became entrenched after the release of the film of the same name in 1981 about the XX Summer Olympic Games in Moscow in ...
By Ljubodrag Simonovic, Belgrade / Serbia * How is it possible that a “top” tennis player can earn over 2 million USD for winning a tournament? In order to earn 2 million USD, a worker with an average salary must work for 500 years! Djokovic and his “colleagues” from the tennis world “earn” this amount for a couple of hours ...
By Ljubodrag Simonovic * The philosophy of play does not come to the essence of play departing from music and dance, but from sport and war. It is no accident. Blacking’s view that music is the „humanly organized sound“ indicates that man is not by his nature a „beast“, but a humane being, and that man’s need for another man, ...
By Ljubodrag Simonovic * A sports spectacle is the climax of the sports aesthetics. To direct a spectacle is the highest form of manipulation with highly developed technical equipment and scientific methods. A sports spectacle tends to raise the marginal to the level of fatal, in order to marginalize the crucial social issues and leave their „solution” to plutocracy. Sport ...
By Ljubodrag Simonovic Drama is the form in which sport, in a structural sense, most closely resembles art. Speaking of the relation between sport and acting, Christopher Lasch says: “By submitting without reservation to the rules and conventions of the game, the players (as well as the spectators) cooperate in creating an illusion of reality. In that way the ...