By Yiğit Saner, reporting from Rome / Italy Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy), the party of Italian premier Giorgia Meloni, and the other coalition forces forming the government, Forza Italia and Lega (League), had put a sort of “presidential system” on the agenda in their 2022 electoral program to solve the problem of instability of the country’s governments and to ...

The content of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech in the parliament and simultaneous declarations by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) indicate that Russia is in the quest for a new state structure and economic model appropriate for multipolarity and war against the West. In November 2022, in my article “Winter in Moscow, the wuthering of the war ...

The first snow of the year fell in Moscow. A delicate white blanket has spread over the city that won’t be gone until spring. Pigeons abandoned the rooftops to the snow and began to roost in the parks. As the rooftops, the streets also became deserted. City dwellers retreated to their homes and high-ceilinged cafes. Those still outside quickened their ...