By Dave Green United World International publishes a number of publications that explore the present and future of BRICS, as well as compare the bloc with other international organizations. Our goal is to study and forecast BRICS progress by looking at some notable and intriguing indicators. This ongoing project aims not only to observe BRICS’ development in the coming years, ...

By Orçun Göktürk Founded in 2009, BRICS, which was initially about cooperation in finance, development and trade, is evolving into a structure that will have major geopolitical and geostrategic consequences for the peoples of the world with the accession of new members at its latest summit in South Africa in the third week of the last month. What was more ...

Reporting from Johannesburg / South Africa We are continuing to publish our interviews on the margins of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. To deepen insight into South African economic perceptions and expectations on the summit, the BRICS enlargement and trade in national currencies, we spoke to Asanda Luwaca. Luwaca is the Executive Chairperson of the National Youth Development ...

Reporting from Johannesburg / South Africa We are continuing to publish our interviews on the margins of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. To deepen insight into South African economic perceptions and expectations on the summit, the BRICS enlargement and trade in national currencies, we spoke to Rofhiwa Madzena. Madzena is a business journalist at South African eNCA TV, ...

One of the most striking aspects of the tectonic BRICS summit in Johannesburg was the spectacular queue consisting of 40 countries (mega-sic!) waiting to enter the group, which had already surpassed the G-7 GDP. The G-7 had a share of 29.2% of global GDP, compared to 32.1 percent of the 5-BRICS. Of the 40 candidates, only six entered, with which ...

We are continuing to publish the interviews made on the margins of the BRICS summit in South Africa. This time, we attended a small conference of South Africa’s Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ebrahim Patel. Patel presented a specifically African perspective on the summit, which we will explore in further upcoming interviews as well. What is your main take-away ...

The 15th BRICS summit convened in South Africa. BRICS, the countries representing 40% of the global population, has further expanded with the inclusion of Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates. The convergence of Western Asia’s rival siblings, namely Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, under the BRICS umbrella is indicative of that ...

During the BRICS summit in South Africa, we had the chance to briefly interview Maria Zakharova, spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry. One of the main topics of the summit, the use of national currencies in international trade was in our focus. So, what means de-dollarization or national currency for you? What’s the advantage of it? You know, very often ...

We can cross live to our guest who has been patiently waiting to speak to us there as we brought that we wanted to bring that to our audience that sole comments but let’s speak to you yeah Yunus Soner, political analyst from Türkiye. Yunus thank you very much for holding on there. That point about the much-anticipated BRICS expansion: ...

O world, o humanity, good news! The BRICS Summit, held in South Africa on August 22-24, ushered in a new era for humanity. For the first time, a new international order is being established in which the oppressed determine the framework, not only for themselves but for people all over the world.  Developing countries are joining forces against the hegemony ...