Since the US-backed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has shifted its focus towards Eastern countries. In this period, cooperation in energy, economic, political, and even military fields has been developed with countries in the region, primarily Russia and Iran. However, the AKP government has failed to develop an economic model alternative US-centered ...

UWI author, Doctor of Historical Sciences, representative of the Vatan (Patriotic) Party Mehmet Perinçek, in an interview with Russian, called Ankara’s agreement to Sweden’s entry into NATO “a betrayal of the Turkish people” due to serious disagreements and conflicts with NATO. Among such problems, he named the Alliance’s position towards the PKK and the Palestinian issue. “The expansion of ...

After years of interruption of diplomatic relations and even more, armed conflict, the governments of Türkiye and Syria have started direct communication. Defense Ministers and heads of intelligence of both countries met in Moscow under Russian mediation – an act that constituted a major turn in West Asian politics. We spoke on this change of policy with retired Lieutenant General ...

Türkiye-Sweden relations came to the fore again after PKK members hanged President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s puppet in an anti-Türkiye demonstration held in Stockholm. Russia Today (RT) asked political scientist and United World International author Onur Sinan Guzaltan about Türkiye’s ongoing objections to Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership. Below is the interviews transcription. To watch the entire interview video follow this ...

By Tülin Uygur, Stockholm / Sweden The People and Defense (Folk och Försvar) conference, held in Sälen, a ski resort in northern Sweden on January 8-10, was marked by discussions on the country’s NATO application and Türkiye’s position. The ruling and main opposition parties and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg attended the conference. Speaking at the conference about Sweden’s NATO ...

The public agenda in Turkiye was been relatively calmer for the first days of the New Year, when compared to the previous year. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has welcomed the new year with his speech on the climate change. The contradictions over the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland has started to deepen between Turkiye and other NATO ...

The former US security advisor John Bolton made a striking comment on Türkiye about a week ago. He said “Unfortunately, this includes Türkiye, whose NATO membership should be in doubt in 2023 if [Turkish] President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – probably through fraud – will be re-elected in the elections scheduled for June.” Political scientist and United World International author Onur ...

Turkish President and leader of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech during his party’s parliamentary group meeting at the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara on June 1, 2022. Responding to a question on whether Turkey blocked the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland to hit back at the United States, US State ...

Sweden and Finland have applied for NATO membership, NATO authorities have stated the accession process, which usually takes up to 2 years, but a Turkish veto, announced repeatedly by President Erdoğan, has halted the process. Diplomatic traffic between the two countries and Turkey as well as between Brussels and Ankara has taken up pace – with a look at the ...

Ankara made statements, indicating that it would inhibit Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership, placing the issue on top of the global agenda. The matter is being discussed from a variety of angles and probably will continue to do so. Within these debates, I would like to present a summary of my opinions. USA against the rest The United States wants ...