For decades, there has been talk in Türkiye about US support for PKK. Since 2015, this support has become quite clear especially due to the developments in the north of Syria. Although the US already recognizes the PKK as a terrorist organization, it does not feel any need to hide this support. Rather, the US policy is to argue that ...

On the night of November 19, the Turkish Armed Forces conducted an intensive airstrike against PKK/YPG targets in Syria and Iraq following the terrorist attack carried out by the PKK/YPG on Istiklal Street in Istanbul on November 13, which claimed the lives of 6 people and wounded 81 others. “89 targets and 184 terrorists were neutralized,” Minister of National Defense ...

By Tuncer Kılınç * For a long time, the US, today’s representative of imperialism, has been continuing its destructive and corrosive attitude against our laic, i.e. secular state structure and the Kemalist commanders of our army by trying to disrupt our unity and integrity and by using the opponents of laicism within us. A blow to laicism In this respect, ...

On September 7, Turkish media reported that Turkish special services conducted a joint special operation to detain one of the leaders of the Daesh terrorist group in eastern Türkiye. Security forces from the Gaziantep Provincial Gendarmerie Command and Gendarmerie Syria Task Force joined the operation, the Sabah newspaper reported Wednesday. The apprehended criminal’s name is Ramo Muhammed al-Hamed. The newspaper ...

Last week, the public agenda in Türkiye discussed the announcements made after the meeting between the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Sochi; the alleged possibility of a diplomatic meeting between Erdogan and his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad by the Turkish-government affiliated Türkiye Newspaper; and the recent tensions with Greece. Erdogan spoke after the Sochi ...

Yuri Podolyaka, one of Russia’s leading military experts, answered questions from the United World International, on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, and general geopolitical questions from around the world. Podolyaka stated that it is difficult for a state called Ukraine to exist in the upcoming period due to constant provocations from the West, and that Ukraine poses a threat to ...

The upcoming Erdogan-Putin meeting on August 5th will deal with a wide range of issues and areas and is expected to be very inclusive. United World International experts Mehmet Perinçek and Onur Sinan Güzaltan have commented on the upcoming meeting. Pointing out that separate discussions on each individual topic on the agenda are of secondary importance, Dr. Mehmet Perincek commented ...

By Fikret Akfırat* For Türkiye, with the Eastern Mediterranean issue and the elimination of the PKK presence in Syria, relations with the USA, Russia, Iran, and China are locked in Idlib. The situation in Idlib is the most significant issue in Syria that the Astana partners are unable to settle. As a result, the Astana process is slowed down. More ...

Interview by Şafak Erdem “These are weapons of a crucial kind. No arms company will sell these weapons without the knowledge of the US government and intelligence service. Can these weapons be used against Turkey? Of course. They can use them to hit Turkey’s prestige in the world by damaging the Turkish Armed Forces. They can even add psychological operations ...

West changes strategy When war broke out in Syria in 2011, Western countries backed rebels, including outright terrorists and extremists. However, as the years have shown, Bashar al-Assad’s regime has proven to be very resilient. Moreover, the Western attack on him has led to the strengthening of Turkey, Iran and Russia in the region. A Russian military base in the ...