Sinan Oğan, the fourth candidate in Türkiye’s May 14 presidential (and also parliamentary) elections, is a former deputy from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), which is now Erdoğan’s ally. Born in 1967 in Iğdır, Türkiye’s easternmost city bordering Armenia and Iran, Oğan is the youngest of the presidential candidates. The characteristics of the Victory Party (Zafer Partisi) chaired by Ümit ...

There has been three main topics on the public agenda in Turkey last week: first was the military operation initiated by the Turkish Armed Forces against the PKK terrorist organization in Northern Iraq, second was the rescuing of the hostages held at the Mariupol Mosque by the Russian special forces following a call from Erdogan and the third was the ...

The Syrian professor Bessam Abu Abdullah spoke in a live connection to the Turkish TV Channel Ulusal Kanal on the actual situation in Syria. Abdullah said “What needs to be done in Syria is: The Syrian Armed Forces and the Turkish Armed Forces must declare their will to fight jointly against all kinds of terror organizations.” Being connected from Damascus ...

The negotiations between the European Union and Turkey are in progress. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen made an official visit to Turkey on April 6, 2021. They held meetings with Turkish President Erdoğan. The Turkish press reported of a warm encounter. Pro-government newspaper Yeni Şafak titled ...