Summer heatwaves go on in Türkiye, so does the busy political agenda. Two significant events of the last week were the negative stance adopted by United Nations officials towards the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and President Erdoğan’s visit to Hungary. Thirdly, decisions of the Cabinet meeting also held an important place. UN provocation against the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus The Ministry of Foreign ...

By Prof. Dr. Ata Atun * As if the rapid change of balances in the world will lead to the reconciliation of resentments and the re-determination of ranks… For example, after Israel completed the exploration and extraction of gas in the Karish field, political relations between Lebanon and Israel were positively affected by the certainty that there was gas in ...

By Prof. Dr. Ata Atun * The Cyprus issue, which has been on the table for the last fifty years, did not begin in 1974, as Greeks and Greeks claimed, and Türkiye did not occupy the island. The Greeks’ and Greek Cypriots’ deceptive black propaganda tries to show that Türkiye invaded the island of Cyprus in 1974 for no reason, ...

The European Union’s (EU) document titled “A Strategic Compass for Security and Defense” was approved by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) on March 21st 2022. By approving this strategic document, the European Union has officially declared its complete rejection of Turkey’s and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ (TRNC) maritime claims in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Turkish Ministry ...

Taking part in the Antalya Diplomacy Forum held in Turkey, the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Ersin Tatar commented on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement, which had drawn similarities between Russia’s military operations in Ukraine to Turkey’s peace operation in Cyprus in 1974. Tatar said “Lavrov’s mentioning of the TRNC by name has been recorded ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the parliamentary motion to extend the deployment of Turkish troops in Azerbaijan, following right after similar motions for Turkish military deployments in Iraq and Syria. Second was the official visit by the Head of the State High Council of Libya Khalid al-Mishri to Turkey ...

Exactly a year ago, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek interviewed H.E. Ersin Tatar, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on July 20, 2020. On the occasion of recent Pakistani indications to recognize the TRNC as a sovereign state, the visit of Turkish President to the island and the debate in the UN Security Council on the opening ...