

The GOP moves steadily towards authoritarianism

The GOP moves steadily towards authoritarianism

In at least 47 states in the US, local legislatures have pushed through measures to make it harder to vote, while nurturing the idea of an illegitimate political adversary to be eliminated.
Deutsche Welle and Israel, Netanyahu and Biden

Deutsche Welle and Israel, Netanyahu and Biden

The "Clash of Civilization's" and Netanyahu's crumbling international alliances.
What Biden’s election means for Ukraine

What Biden’s election means for Ukraine

Deniz Berktay compares the past Trump Administration's policy on Ukraine with the incoming Biden Administration, tracing Biden's past activities in the country.
The Return of the Right and the ‘Trumpification’ of Latin America

The Return of the Right and the ‘Trumpification’ of Latin America

Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in Brazil and US President Donald Trump’s rush to congratulate the like-minded President-elect, has triggered a debate on the rise of “Trumpism” in Latin American politics.