Last week, the public agenda in Turkey was busy with four main topics. First, was the mutual positive messages and signs of cooperation and a potential meeting date given between Turkish and Egyptian top diplomats. Secondly, the Greek government appointed Muslim muftis, causing a crisis, because the appointment is against the Lausanne Treaty. Thirdly, the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu ...

The “Blue Homeland – 2021” naval exercise has started today. Ret. Admiral Cihat Yaycı has evaluated the exercise. Yaycı said, “it is difficult to claim rights where you are not present. These exercises enable intense activity in the open seas.” The Turkish Navy has started today the “Blue Homeland – 2021” naval exercise, which will take place between the 25th ...

The respected British historian Professor Bernard Lewis once said: “It is very important to know the history in order to see the future. Whatever memory is for the individual, it is the history for a nation. A nation that distorts its history is like a neurotic person, and a nation that does not know its history is like a person ...