The US Think Tank, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) has published a report titled “From Trump to Biden: The way forward for U.S. National Security” in January 2021. The report presents policy proposals to the Biden Administration concerning a broad range of countries. In the Middle East, proposals concerning policy towards Turkey and Syria aim to progress the ...

Turkey and Israel are two influential countries in West Asia. Differences in the Palestine and Kurdish Questions, relations to Israel and conflicting positions in the Eastern Mediterranean have caused several major high-level crises between the two countries and led to restraint as well as downgrading in diplomatic relations. Notwithstanding this past, a revitalization and normalization of Turkish-Israeli relations is widely ...

The public agenda in Turkey was busy with three main topics as we reached the new year of 2021. The first topic was the ratification of an extradition treaty between the People’s Republic of China and Turkey. The extradition treaty caused a public outcry among the exiled Uyghur community in Turkey and among some political circles affiliated with the Uyghur ...

Turkish-Israeli relations have received some warm messages in the recent weeks. Mesut Hakkı Caşın, Member of Presidential Committee on Security and Foreign Policy declared “if Israel takes one positive step, Turkey will take two”, President Erdogan followed by saying “We would like to bring our ties to a better point”. Bilateral ties have seen tensions since the attack on the ...