The European Union’s (EU) document titled “A Strategic Compass for Security and Defense” was approved by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) on March 21st 2022. By approving this strategic document, the European Union has officially declared its complete rejection of Turkey’s and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ (TRNC) maritime claims in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Turkish Ministry ...

United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek provided an interview to the Iranian Mehr News Agency on the Ukrainian conflict, Western claims of a unipolar world, the emerging racism in Europe. Below we present the interview as published by Mehr news agency. Subtitles were set by UWI. The original interview can be read here. The clashes between Russia and Ukraine that ...

In the recent days, US media has reported on the idea that Turkey could deliver the S-400 air defense systems, which it had obtained from Russia, to Ukraine. United World International expert commented on this idea to the Russia news agency Ria Novosti. UWI presents below the article as published by Ria Novosti. The transfer of Russian S-400 systems by ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda has been moved by only a single topic. The Russian military intervention in Ukraine was debated heavily in the Turkish public, both countries being neighbors and strategic partners of Turkey. Many politicians, diplomats and party leaders have made statements regarding their political evaluation, the stance that Turkey should take, the results of this war ...

US sanctions on Russia are discussed worldwide both in terms of scope and other countries’ participation. Turkey is among those countries that have close economic relations with Russia. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek spoke to Azerbaijani news outlet on Turkey’s position and expected behaviour concerning sanctions targeting Russia. We present below he interview as published by The ...

US plans to surround countries like Russia, China, Iran or Turkey, which constitute obstacles for Washington, are no secret. When we take a look at the Ukrainian crisis and the recent recognition of the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, then we observe that this is connected to the general conflict constellation. The United States’ goals in the Ucraine crisis ...

While tensions around the Ukraine are continuing, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Russian news outlet VZGLYAD about Ukraine’s NATO membership, Turkey’s position and Turkish – Russian relations. Below we present the interview as published by VZGLYAD. Subheadings were set by UWI. “If Ukraine joins NATO, this may mean its death as a state, since ...

The world’s eyes are on the crisis unfolding in Ukraine. The possibility of a war between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine is discussed widely, while NATO members continue to mount up forces along the Ukrainian-Russian border. United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan interviewed the Russian Member of State Duma Evgeny Popov. Popov is the Chairman of the Commission ...

By Hasan Ünal* * Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Maltepe University. This text was first published by Baku Dialogues in the edition Winter 2022. As of this writing, tensions between Russia and Ukraine appeared to continue unabated, despite the Putin‑Biden online meeting and the exchange of several messages between Washington and Moscow aimed at ...

Turkish-Russian relations have managed to survive a great deal of strain put on by the recent insurrection in Kazakhstan. The plan to put Ankara and Moscow at odds with one another over Central Asia has failed. Both Ankara and Moscow have close ties with Central Asia, especially Kazakhstan. While Turkey establishes these over cultural dynamics -common language and history -, ...