United World International has organized a webinar titled “The postponement of elections in Libya and the quest for peace in the Eastern Mediterranean” on December 28. The webinar hosted 2 speakers from Libya and 2 speakers from Turkey. From Libya, Dr. Issa Tuwegiar, former Minister of Planning and currently private consultant in strategic planning, and Dr. Mahmud Ahmed Alftise, former ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the ongoing currency crisis and the sudden drop in value of Turkish Lira. Second was ex-Prime Minister Binali Yildirim’s statement on the potential membership of Russia and China in the Organization of Turkic States. Third had been the recent offer from Turkish offer to ...

2021 is remembered as a very important year in terms of changing geopolitical processes in the world. The processes that have taken place in the region and the world over the past 365 days and the new situation created by the Covid19 pandemic have changed the shape of relations between countries and allies. The existing blocs and alliances in the ...

By Cansu Yigit The peace and stability process in Libya led by the United Nations (UN) is going down “a slippery slope” towards the December 24th. The Libyans are the ones likely to pay for a UN failure in Libya, which has been known for the mess it left on its peacekeeping missions all around underdeveloped or unstable countries. Footsteps ...

On the southern side of the Mediterranean, Libya keeps on being in a political limbo. General elections are scheduled for December 24, but the Tobruk-based House of Representatives already postponed these for a month. The legislative base of the elections, including the question who will be permitted to candidate for the presidency, cause debate. Western countries headed by the US ...

Elections without rules The political process in Libya is once again poised to fail. On Monday, the country’s parliament (House of Representatives – HoR), sitting in the eastern part of the country, passed a law that postponed parliamentary elections by a month. “The election for members of the House of Representatives will take place 30 days after the presidential vote,” ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the diplomatic meeting between the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, at the southern Russian city of Sochi. Second were the exclusive statements from the Turkish Minister of Foreign Relations Mevlut Cavusoglu, about the government’s recent “Asia Anew Initiative”, ...

The situation in Cyprus and Crimea as a major topic in Turkish-Russian relations, the rapprochement process between Ankara and Cairo and the Turkish policies regarding Syria are hotly discussed regionally. We spoke about these issues with Yaşar Yakış, Turkish Foreign Minister 2002 – 2003 during the first term of the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP). While stressing that Turkey ...

United World International experts Mehmet Perinçek and Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated to the international press the September 29 summit of Russian President Putin and Turkish President Erdoğan. The summit in Sochi once again proved that the interests of Russia and Turkey coincided in most areas, said Mehmet Perinçek in the interview with the Russian newspaper Vzglyad. According to him, both ...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Sochi, Russia, on September 29. The meeting of the leaders lasted almost three hours and was productive. This is the first face-to-face meeting between the leaders of Russia and Turkey in a long time, due to coronavirus restrictions. The extreme importance of these talks for both leaders is ...