By Ceyhun Bozkurt Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Sochi, Russia, on September 29th and have a diplomatic meeting with the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting between the two leaders in Sochi, is expected to be one of the most critical encounters in the recent years. It is speculated that the leaders will discuss many different topics. To ...

It is often said that great friendships start after a fight. I do not think that there is a better expression that sums up the current diplomatic relations between Turkey and Russia. Turkey and Russia have travelled together a road from the possibility of an open conflict to the cooperation in various strategic areas such as defense industry and nuclear ...

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet in Sochi September 29. Ahead of the summit, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek spoke to the Azerbaijani news website Perinçek evaluated the summits agenda and the two countries’ objectives in Syria and beyond. Below, we document the interview as published by the news website. spoke ...

The Central African Republic (CAR) is a classic example of a country whose development has been stunted by French influence in Africa. When 150 years of French colonization of CAR (Central African Republic) ended, there was only one person with a doctoral degree when the country became independent in 1960. France has always had a tight control over the CAR. ...

The Crimea Platform will convene in Kyiv on August 23. United World International has already reported that this summit, where Turkey is also expected to participate, is in fact a trap for Ankara. UWI has displayed the organizers’ strong ties to the United States and the Fethullah Gülen Organization, and reported in detail that Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation ...

United World International has already reported about the Crimea Platform, which will convene on August 23, 2021 in Kyiv, its organizers’ links to the US and the Fethullah Gülen Terror Organization (FETO) and why Turkey’s expected participation on the summit constitutes a trap for Ankara. Today we will focus on Pete Buttigieg, who will represent the United States at the ...

On July 9, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet on the recent developments in the Southern Caucasus. Perinçek commented on the recent elections in Armenia, Turkish-Russian cooperation and regional initiatives to reach lasting peace and stability. Below we document the interview as published by Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ankara-Moscow ...

Last week, the public opinion in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the meeting between the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. Second was the ongoing debate on sending additional troops for the security of the Kabul International Airport in Afghanistan, as the US and NATO troops withdraw from the region. ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. The first has been the surge of a sea mucilage (sea snot) layer all over the Marmara Sea, and the mass panic it caused. The second has been the elimination of the PKK ringleader of Makhmur Camp and the ongoing operations in the Northern Iraq. The ...

By Nardine Ali / Cairo After eight years of deteriorated relations between Egypt and Turkey, a Turkish delegation consisting of diplomatic and security officials met in Cairo on May 4th their Egyptian counterparts during a two-day-visit. The visit, described by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry as an “exploratory round of consultations” between Egypt and Turkey, was led by the deputy Deputy ...